Effects of structural biases in implicit vs. explicit learning of phonology and morphology
Доклад Кати Перцовой (Университет Северной Каролиныв Чапел-Хилл) на семинаре лингвистической лаборатории
Recent years have seen a proliferation of adult phonological-learning studies (“artificial-language” experiments) employing a wide array ofexperimental tasks, instructions, and materials. The goal of these experiments is to gain experimental access to the inductive processes underlying first- or second- language acquisition. But there has been little investigation into what is actually going on when a subjectlearns an artificial pattern in the lab. Do different experimental situations engage different learning processes? If so, do those processes have different inductive biases? How are they related to the processes involved in L1 and L2 acquisition? In this talk I address these questions by presenting artificial-language learning experiments done in our lab in the last 5 years. In particular, I focus on distinguishing two different learning mechanisms, explicit and implicit, which play important role in the work of cognitive psychologists and which are also involved in linguistic lab-learning. These mechanisms are facilitated by different experimental techniques and may be associated with different inductive biases.