Directionality of feature valuation: a view from Avar
Павел Руднев выступил с докладом на семинаре лингвистической лаборатории
Руднев Павел Владимирович
Международная лаборатория языковой конвергенции: Ведущий научный сотрудник
This talk discusses, using data from Avar, a crosslinguistically rare phenomenon of adposition agreement, whereby certain adverbs, postpositions and locative-marked noun phrases undergo agreement with an absolutive argument. I show that the agreement morphology on agreeing adpositions is a result of agreement rather than concord, and explore the consequences of adposition agreement in Avar for upward and downward valuation. I conclude that the traditional conception of upward valuation is both conceptually and empirically superior to its alternatives.
14 декабря
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