Lectures and Seminars
Lectures at HSE Winter school delivered by the laboratory
At the Winter school, which took place at HSE Training center 'Voronovo' on February 4-8, 2016, the laboratory staff members delivered the following lectures:
- Vladimir Stegailov, Professor, Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci.
"Architecture of supercomputers and a breakthrough to the exaflop era"
- Olga Valba, Associate Professor, PhD, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sci.
"Statistical topology: biopolymers, complex webs, molecular machines"
Themes of lectures at the Winter school 2015 delivered by the laboratory:
- 'What is the quantum informatics?' Aleksandr Kholevo (Steklov Math. Inst. RAS and HSE).
- 'Bioinformatics and molecular medicine' Roman Efremov (Inst. Bioorg. Chem. RAS and HSE).
- 'Modeling of nanoworld and nanorobots' Yurii Lozovik (Inst. Spectroscopy RAS and HSE).
- 'Lattice little animals, tetris, and comparison of sequences' Sergei Nechaev (HSE, Lebedev Inst. Phys. RAS, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-ORSAY).
- 'Modeling of real world on contemporary supercomputers' Igor Morozov (Joint Inst. High Temp. RAS and HSE).
Scientific seminar "New methods in mathematics and informatics"
In 2016, the seminar takes place on Mondays at 13:40 at HSE building in Strogino,
room 210 (34 Tallinskaya Ulitsa, phone number (495)- 916-88-76).
If you need a pass to HSE, please contact kafedrapm@hse.ru.
In the spring semester, 2016, the following topics will be considered at the seminar:
1. Applications of quantum informatics (January-February, A.S. Kholevo).
2. Algebra of generalized functions in models of natural science (March, V.G.Danilov) .
3. Mathematics of nanorobots (April-May, Yu.E. Lozovik) .
Past reports
December 14, 2015
E.V. Vybornyi, "New analytic results in modeling of the tunnel bilocalization effect and the capture of states"
November 16, 2016
Andrei Lokhov and Olga Valba (NRU HSE and Laboratory for theoretical physics and statistical models, Univ. Paris 11, France)
October 26, 2015
Mikhail Tamm (MSU and NRU HSE) and Sergei Nechaev (Universite Paris-Sud,Lebedev Inst. Phys. RAS and NRU HSE).
May 25, 2015
V.L. Golo, "Conformation modes of DNA molecule"
April 20, 2015
A.V. Timofeev, "Modeling of water by using the molecular dynamics and clusterization effect"
March 9, 2015
V.N. Blinov, "Local orientation order in Stockmayer liquid"
February 16, 2015
A.A. Sokolok, "Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham theorems and density functional in graphene"
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