Projects of the Laboratory
- Basic Research Program (BRP) project “The Impact of Feedback Loops in the State-Society System on the Resource Redistribution and Economic Growth Perspectives in Democratic, Autocratic and Hybrid Regimes” (February – December 2015);
- BRP Project “Public expectations, political priorities and resource redistribution” (February – December 2014);
- BRP Project “’Good enough governance‘ in the conditions of regime transformations: the quality of transplanted institutions in the ’catching-up‘ states” (February – December 2013);
- BRP Project “State Capacity as a Prerequisite of the Democracy? (Empirical Analysis of the Interaction between State Capacity and Regime Transformation Trajectories in the ’third wave‘ states)” (February – December 2012);
- BRP Project “Factor Analysis of Stateness Development and Decline in the Postsocialist European and Asian States” (including QCA, Qualitative Comparative Analysis)” (February – December 2011);
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